Yes, you heard it right. Most of the online stores provide discounts on Music instruments that are sold online. We have found that the ease and convenience of buying online with timely discounts provided by online companies have made you to buy musical instruments online rather choosing the retail store. This even holds good for every retail store who even encourage musicians like us. This is the reason we have switched to provide you the same convenience and discounts as online store does. Along with this MusicHouse also meets a product guarantee and quality that you can trust.
Most of our customers demand for best price as offered by online companies. Yes, we do agree the fact that online is booming with its huge customer base in india, but meanwhile it is also the true fact that online products still have limitation on product quality and warranty, wherein this might not be true in all cases yet most of those online companies still provide good quality products and warranty.
We always make our customers understand that to visit our retail store which is located in jayanagar in Bangalore city and get in depth detailing on every product that you see and purchase fetching some good discounts. we can offer you the same online convenience and better quality with unlimited support.
MusicHouse has a good collection of modern and traditional musical instruments as well as some of the imported and unique music gadgets. We work hard to provide you the best quality that can be delivered meanwhile also encouraging the musicians to come up with their passion.
Musichouse always struggles to provide the best quality Music instruments in Bangalore to all our professionals and start ups politely be always with you in every step of your journey.
Music House has a bouquet of 100 renowned brands selling more than 500 products at the showroom mentioned below at the prominent location in Bangalore. Showrooms has parking facilities, air conditioned, state-of-the-art display. At the prominent location in Bangalore.The Store has parking facilities for 10 Cars , Air conditioned Jam Rooms , Wallpaper's Studio Music Lounge.
Music House
Drums & all other Musical Instruments & Repairs & Services
#25,100 Feet Ring Road
5th block Jayanagar
Landmark - Near to Bangalore Central ,
Next Place Woodys Hotel
Next Place Croma Electronics Store
Next Place Sapphire Honda Show Room Signal
Cross the Signal , Come Straight ,
Left Hand Side MUSIC HOUSE (Towards Bhanashankari)
Phone Number - 7829004321,